Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A century of Gre-Nais

My red entry on Bea´s book!

My blue drawing!

"Gremistas claim their striking combination of blue, black and white makes for a more beautiful jersey; Colorados prefer their classic red."


Marina Grechanik said...

wow, James! You're adding the action to the group! Great energies! Love it!

Beá Meira said...

I must admit that on my entry I tried to get the organic world inspired in the James universe.
But this drawings are so rich! It is about the organics mistakes.
I just can´t see football (gremio and colorado) on it.

James Zortéa said...

Marina and Bea, thanks for yours kind words. My drawings My works are inspired by movements of fluctuation, such as marine animals and plumes in the air.
Bea, about the football, the drawings were made during the Grenal game.