Saturday, November 22, 2008

Drawing in progress

I was walking through the city of Porto Alegre/Brazil,
when I saw a dredger contributed by removing the mud of the brook.
And I thought, it would make a nice counterpoint to my abstract drawings.
Lilian Maus, Brazil.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hello out there!

Hey Lilian! Hey Hernán! Are you still interested in doing this sketchbook exchange with us. After one beautiful entry into Marina's book, Masha has taken a sabbatical. She has not ruled out returning some time, but for now she is out. Marina and I hope that Lilian and Hernán will begin to participate. We think the exchange between the four of us would be exceptional. Please let me know if you wish to participate. I know that Hernán has a book. If You need a book, Lilian, let me know. If you are not interested, alsoplease let me know.

For now Masha, you can send Marina's book to me. I will write to you with the address.

Best wishes,


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

and here is the Fantasy...

I just decided to stop myself. Usually I use to exaggerate with fantasy in my reality.
Sorry for being dispersed on too much pages.
Where I'll send it, Marty?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Reality Part

Marty, I just started to draw in your book (at least!)
This is "reality" part. I still have the "fantasy" part to draw.
Let's see were it'll go.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

When Marina's moly met Marty's moly…

I got it! I'm so excited! I heard about this project long time ago, I followed different groups at the web, but it was the first time that I felt it really works!
So today mines and Marty's moleskins met (I didn't send mine yet).

I have to say that it is so different to see the real book!
Marty, it's beautiful! I didn't recognize all these levels of paper and paint on the screen. And all this wonderful black area with a lot of texture on it! I'll try to get up on it.
All the members of my family said: wow, he knows how to draw! ;)

Marty, awesome start!
Hey, Masha, Lilian, Hernan! Where are you? Begin to have fun!

Have a wonderful day everybody!!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

I'm finished….I think so

Today I decided – it's time to stop! It's always a hard question for me – when the work is finished. Sometimes I wish I could do "undo" ….

So now my "Playground" moly will go to Moscow. Masha! ( and all the others!) I put in the pocket some more stickers – you can continue to use them in your entries, if you wish.

And as I told, feel free not to stick to the theme, if you want. Now I'm free to get yours moly, Marty!

Monday, May 19, 2008


I'm working now on my first entry. I started to draw without giving the theme, but now I think that it'll be The Playground. It can fit anything, actually. That's how my Moly looks by now.

Hope, I'll finish it until the end of the week.
Masha, be ready!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Fantasy & Reality

After 20+ years of living in this neighborhood, I have come to less than affectionately call it "my cage". Whenever I start feeling this way I take a short trip in my mind to other parts of the world. "Fantasy & Reality" will be the theme of this book. Marina, it's on its way to you. Hope you had a festive Yom Atzmaut (Israel Independence Day, 60th Anniversary).

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hi from Marina

Hello dear friends!
How are you?

I'm starting to work on my entry. I didn't decide yet if I'll give a theme to my Moly. For now, to warm up a little bit, I made the title for our blog.

What do you think?

Just wanted to know that you all starting (or thinking of starting) the project. Good luck to everyone! I'm exited to send and get my first moleskines!

I'll be in little trip this weekend (from 30.04 to 05.05). We are going to Paris! So I hope to come back with some drawings in my moly.

Have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Welcome to moly_x_18!

This group, founded by Marina Grechanik (Israel) and Marty Harris (USA), is an extension of the Moleskine Exchange. This blog will follow the adventure of a group of artists from around the world, in a Japanese fold Moleskine sketchbook exchange.

Each artist will set off with a small Japanese (accordian) folded Moleskine. Creating a drawing, collage, or painting, then send on to the next artist. Each artist will draw on a couple of spreads (3-4 pages) then send it on to the next artist. When the artists book is filled, it will be returned to the owner with images created by artist around the world. Each artist has a month to make an entry. The outcome will be a pleasant and surprising adventure, as artists are encouraged to interact and merge their art with others.

The concept:

1. The artists start with the Japanese fold Moleskine - Name, address, email address written in book.

2. Each artist gets 1 month to make a sketchbook entry, and mail it to the next person. The order is listed to the right.

3. Each artist will do 3-4 pages each round.

4. Artists are encouraged to interact with other images in the book. Please be respectful.

5. When the book is full, when one side of the unfolded book is filled, the book will be sent back to its original owner. That artist may continue by buying a new book and sending it to the next person.

6. If a person decides not to continue, she will simply keep her book when it comes back to her. She should email all of the participants to say she is not going to continue. We will decide, then, if we want to find a new person.

7. Please communicate regularly via email. Let each person know that you have received/sent the book. The goal is to have a dialogue. Any comments and questions are welcome.

This moly_x_project was begun by Marty Harris, Minnesota, USA.